沙特阿拉伯标准组织 SASO(Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization)近期再次更新了强制实行SABER注册申请的产品清单。新加入的产品将于2019年6月1日起必须通过SABER系统申请PC+SC。
此次SASO新增的5类法规所涵盖的产品6月1日后只接受SABER系统出具的SC 及5月15日之前出具的COC证书。具体产品包括:
一、Technical Regulation for Electrical Lifts used in Buildings & Installations.电动电梯(建筑及设施用)
二、Technical Regulation for building materials part 1: Metals and their Alloys for constructions and buildings建筑用金属及合金
三、Technical Regulation for building materials part 2: Insulating and Cladding Materials for buildings建筑物用绝缘和覆层材料
四、Technical Regulation for building materials part 3: Hydraulic Links and Related Products液压连接件及相关产品
五、Technical Regulation for building materials part 4: Bricks, Tiles, Ceramics, Sanitary ware砖、瓦、陶瓷、卫生洁具